
In bodybuilding and fitness, there are no restrictions when registering for a competition is not allowed to perform. Therefore, we are witnessing the appearance on the stage of “zero” guys, whose body has not yet experienced enough stress from exercise, but they are already eagerly eager to fight with the hope of surprising the audience. And they, of course, succeed in it, but in their own way! Not as much as they would like, but still succeed.

They become a laughing stock for the audience and a target for the judges’ frequent caustic remarks addressed to them, moreover, publicly. I often felt sorry for such novice athletes. And the question always arises: why are they doing this? Becoming a laughing stock, many would-be bodybuilders never go on stage again. Their pride has already been completely killed. Some, of course, don’t care about it, and they gladly rush to the podium again and again to amuse their pride. Such athletes simply have an overly high opinion of themselves, and no one can convince them that they will never get into the top ten. And, perhaps, some of them just dreamed of being a clown, and any spectator’s attention is honorable for them.

When we start to pump muscles, we usually do it because. That we want to become like our muscular comrade, or an athlete in a photograph that catches our eye. Each, of course, has its own idol. First, we begin to gradually gain weight, and then more and more often we stare at our reflection in the mirror in an attempt to see the increasing volumes. But there comes a moment when it suddenly seems to us that we have achieved something, and now there is something to show to others. At this moment, it is imperative to have a real sober head of a friend or coach nearby, who is obliged to cool down the ardor and make you critically look at your results. The best criterion for determining when you’re ready to compete should be a compliment from someone you don’t know at the gym. If you start to receive compliments, it means that you have really acquired some forms that people around you are already noticing. Buy sportswear only here –



But you also have to remember that not everyone has the right idea about really nicely developed, quality muscles. For example, there are guys who sit on a steroid needle all year round, have a body fat of 50% and weigh far from a centner. They usually wear sweaters and don’t bare anything except their hands in the summer, because they’re really afraid to show their eaten-up “wineskin”. You should not listen to such advisors, because they do not understand anything about bodybuilding. For them, the criterion of a person ready for competition is huge bodies and strength indicators in the hall. Such people usually remain terribly dissatisfied with the refereeing, when in the competition the first place is taken by an athlete with prominent, high-quality muscles and excellent proportions, and the “swollen” big man with elephant legs is put in second or even in fifth place.

If, nevertheless, you are really eager to participate in bodybuilding competitions, then you should pay attention to the following points.